About the Stress Measurement Network
The Stress Measurement Network's mission is to better understand the relationship between stress and health by improving the measurement of stress in research studies. The Network functions as an umbrella organization for theory and measure development in order to provide resources to researchers in the broad field of stress science.
Through meetings, workshops, and other outreach, the Network draws on the resources of the vast, interdisciplinary field of stress research and its many dedicated and enthusiastic scientists. Network contributors are experts from around the world who have come together to debate, improve, and develop measures of stress.
The Network offers an array of resources, including stress measurement consultations with members of our leadership team, guidance on stress terminology through our Stress Typology, and a curated Stress Measurement Toolbox with entries on a variety of stress constructs. Rather than advocating for particular measures, we aim to describe best practices for utilizing groups of measures to examine specific questions.
Together, these efforts aim to push the field of stress research forward in a meaningful way to impact research, interventions, and eventually policy.
The Stress Measurement Network was established in 2015 and is funded by the National Institute on Aging (R24AG048024)